Friday, August 6, 2010

From John

Good news - Trisha has been getting steadily better each day. Her spirits are great, her sense of humor is superb, and her new haircut is edgy! She is inspiring all of us, as together we chart the unknown waters of her illness.

Trish will be starting her daily radiation and chemo treatments in Berkeley on Tuesday -a six week run, Monday though Friday, weekends off. We thank the many local friends and family who have volunteered to help with driving - and we will be calling on you!
Today Allison (photographer at right) took her for a haircut, and a romp in the park.

Yesterday, Chloe Ma and her mom, Regina, came by and played some beautiful music - just what the doctor ordered.

And best of all - I have just figured out how to post photos on her blog!

While these images portray a rosy picture - the fact is that Trish is slowly working up to a point where she can have visits from friends, and get out a bit. She "overloads" easily (and suddenly) and the 24 hour cocktail of scary doses of drugs she is on keeps her family and friends (caregivers) on their toes. More soon ...

Love to all,



  1. Looking good girl. Glad to see you smiling. Lots of love, Kim

  2. Oooooh, so cute! You look fabulous, although I kind of liked the staple look. I'm so happy to hear such a great report. Much love, Sarah

  3. Nice cut! Don't give Collier any ideas!

  4. Trisha, you're looking almost as cute as Chloe Ma! Seriously, for a moment, does your vast network include anyone who can give you Reiki? It can be done without touching you, if you prefer. I saw on BBC News last night that the Catholic Church has just outlawed Reiki (because Jesus is supposed to be enough). But a U.S. nun spoke out in opposition, saying is a trained Reiki practitioner and it was particularly helpful when her mother was having chemo and radiation, a fine antidote to any ill side effects. Just a thought.

    Love you,
    Cousin Heidi

  5. Jill N. CartwrightAugust 7, 2010 at 7:28 PM

    Wonderful to see you Trisha. Can I come visit? Saturday to Monday (8/14 to 8/16) I will be in Oakland. xo. Please let me know.

  6. I hope you continue to recover, and that the upcoming treatments are successful without being *too* draining. I am thinking of you constantly, and will be sending you as much healing as I can.

  7. Great to see and read this. Thinking of you! Thanks for posting and sharing. Wieneke

  8. Woa! Arty shot, that one in the haircutting chair. And I loves them red sneakers. See you soon, little sister!

    Love, Claire
